Ayurvedic Diet

Welcome to our Ayurvedic Diet Library, where we’ve compiled resources on the topic of how to eat and cook according to Ayurveda.

What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? 

An Ayurvedic diet is not a “diet” in the modern sense of the word, which tends to focus solely on the foods consumed. Instead, Ayurveda offers a much broader approach that encompasses not only what we eat, but also when and how we eat—including our own state of mind—with the ultimate intention to best support a vibrant state of health. 

Taking into consideration how we approach our meals, from our own energy and mindset to the times of day we sit down to eat, makes the Ayurvedic diet healthy in a truly holistic way. It takes eating beyond the counting and parsing of calories and individual nutrients, beyond a feeling that eating is almost mechanical, solely to refuel the body. In following an Ayurvedic diet, we are also asked to bring our hearts and our presence each time we sit down to eat. 

To understand this holistic approach, we need to delve into some key concepts of Ayurveda, starting with the role of the digestive fire.

Stoking the Fire Within

Most conversations in Ayurveda start with digestion, specifically the digestive fire, or AGNI, and this is especially true when exploring an Ayurvedic diet. Agni is Sanskrit for “fire” and is viewed as the source of awareness, nutrition, and intelligence—even the very source of life. Agni governs innumerable physiological processes, including the digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. 

With this in mind, it is no wonder that the essence of an Ayurvedic diet revolves around keeping your digestive fire strong! 

As the cornerstone to what makes an Ayurvedic diet work, you will find that all of the recommendations within this guide directly support agni—from discovering how your doshas can be your guide, to practicing Ayurvedic food combining, it all comes back to nourishing and protecting your inner fire.